The Settlers of the Metaverse

Give me your tired, your poor, yearning to breathe free

2 min readNov 13, 2021

If you make over $2000 USD/month, you’re too rich to notice the start of the Metaverse.

Meanwhile in the Philippines, people are earning more money playing games than their “real jobs”.

“Give me your tired, your poor. Yearning to breathe free”

This is the opportunity we saw.

The tipping point of the Metaverse was in 2020. Covid-19 plunged millions into poverty. Without jobs, we found Axie Infinity, a game we play to earn crypto redeemable for cash.

Friends who made $200 were now earning $2000/month… thats 10X more.

The news spread fast.

Before long, entire towns played Axie Infinity. From cousins to grandma.

We earned ~$20/day when the crypto $SLP was good
We earned $50/day when $SLP was great

Everyone wanted in & invited friends. But there was 1 big problem… It cost $600 to start.

That’s 3 months salary.

Early players, now rich, started to offer scholarships for new players to play.

I pay your $600 entrance fee, you share your profits with me. Gaming guilds started to form — 10 players, 50 players, 1000 players.

Big guilds earn over $500,000/month 🤯

The money comes from new players joining — paying that $600 entrance fee.

What if growth stopped? Would everyone lose their money?

Skeptics called it a Pyramid Scheme, but we all knew ppl who played & got rich. Even rent was paid in $SLP How big could Axie Nation get?

This game was putting food on the table. No one wanted it to stop. Mainstream news started covering this story, and investments poured in from reputable VC Firms.

Andreessen Horowitz led a $4.6 million VC round in Yield Guild Games

Is Axie Infinity the perfect pyramid scheme?

Let’s take a look at the numbers. The high grossing game is Honor of Kings at $12.7 billion revenue over 6 years. Averaging $2B annually from 80 million daily players.

Axie Infinity had $2B revenue this year… from 2 million daily players.

Did your jaw drop? Mine did…

It’s easy dismiss Axie Infinity as a pyramid scheme, but if you look closer, what you’ll see is the Start of the Metaverse.

Once money enters the Metaverse, it doesn’t disappear — it circulates.

To artists, engineers, players, investors, influencers…

It creates jobs…

And if you’re reading this at your day job feeling like you’re missing out, then follow me on Twitter & Tiktok @kangzeroo

I write regularly about Metaverse Passive Income and how you can make a fortune by being early.

You’re at the right place at the right time my friend ✌️

