How they proved the Earth was Round, Again

We’ve known the earth was round for a long time, yet it is seems like every few hundred years we have to prove it again
You only need two shadows at two places to prove there is some curvature to the land. The Greeks did it back in 300 BC
But what if you were just standing on a really big hill and walked for days but were still on this hill? It only appeared that the earth was round
So empires got bigger.

And each measurement of their empire further convinced them they were the centre of the world
Sometimes disputes would arise over the accuracy of maps, but only temporarily as they were always getting updated.
And it was in the Age of Sail (1700s) that our stories protagonist, Kevin a 27 year old Mathematician Solider begins his journey out of Continental Europe… on the Kings Orders.
To measure the sunset in the West Indies (modern day Jamaica & Mexico). His classmates were sent to Africa, Indonesia and Quebec to measure the sunsets there. All to prove the Earth was round.

Coincidentally, his Spanish rival Lorenzo was also sent out that same month on the Spanish Queens orders. Also to measure the curvature of the earth.
To catch a shadow in foreign lands and measure distance and height across mountains and valleys with scientific instruments. observing humidity in the air pressure and refraction of the clouds.
All to prove the earth was round.
But more than just that.
You see, empires had grown large enough that eventually there wouldn’t be any land left over to conquer. One Empire had to be at the top… and if it’s at the top, then it will surely be at the center.
“The Sun never sets in our Empire” proclaimed Kevin on the high seas. “As surely as the sun revolves around us”
His Squire, eager to impress echoed. “The Sun revolves around us!”
“Correct”, repeated Kevin. “The Sun never sets!”
Months later, they arrive on the Yucatan shores (in modern day Mexico).

But Lorenzo had already beat them to it!
On the shores of the Yucatan Peninsula, he cracked open a cold one. Jamaican pirate ale. He traded a broken telescope for 3 barrels of Jamaican pirate ale, and now he could see straight.
Lorenzo’s Squire was busy unloading the guns from their beach boat. The boy loved to complain.
“Dude! Gadgets are so heavy. Why did we drop ship so far from the main boat?”
“Boy! Did you get more stupid? We can’t bring the main boat too close to the shores or else it gets trapped in the shallow sand. Did they not teach you anything in sailing school?”
“I didn’t go to sailing school, I was an apprentice at a distillery.”
“Oh right, that’s why I hired you.”
“So why do we need to go all the way up the mountains to measure the sunset? Can’t we measure at sea level? Wouldn’t that be more consistent?”
For a second Lorenzo was speechless. He looked over the distance and calmly replied.
“Because then the measurements would be off. Since the Queens capital city is the center of the earth.. we need to go up the mountains to an elevation of… 430 feet… That will give us the right measurements!”
The Squire thought for a real minute. “yea, the math works out!”
“Yes”, said Lorenzo. “Plus, someone from my Mastermind group said the fountain of youth is in these mountain ranges. Queen Halley will be very pleased with me if I can find & bottle it. Imagine the ROAS!”
The duo began their trek up the mountains, with a small team of Spanish musketeers behind.

The Sun was setting over the mountains. Kevin was writing in his journal as his Squire tended to the fire.
“Day 94” He wrote. “where the native women at?”
Since they landed, the journey into the mountains had been harder than expected. But they were almost there.
A rustle was heard from the jungle, and a hungry Lorenzo popped out of the bushes.
“Kevin you fucker! I haven’t seen you in ages!”
Startled and embarrassed to have been caught off guard, Kevin raised his musket to the sky in warning.
“Hey! Stay back, I know risk management!”
“It’s me, Law. Your college drinking buddy?”
A tense standoff de-escalated..
“Lorenzo what the hell are you doing here in the West Indies?”
“Probably same reason you’re here. To measure the sunset.”
Kevin was slightly annoyed because he wanted to be first. But no problem, he could just report an earlier date to the King. In the big dangerous world, it was good to see a familiar face. Even if it was his university rival.
Their bands came together under a gentleman’s truce and they shared a humble feast together.
“You went to Indonesia after school right? How was that?” Asked Kevin.
“Too many plantations”, replied Lorenzo. “I didn’t like the feeling of being a cog in the system. Being an explorer is so much more fulfilling.”
“You’re lucky”, stated Kevin. “Not everyone gets to choose what they do with their day. Or life”
No one really appreciated that statement. Except maybe one or two of the freed slaves in the party.
“But who’s to say the sea doesnt picks it’s sailors?”, a Squire says.
“Say.. aren’t we supposed to fight eachother?” Asked Kevin.
“You’re kidding me right?” Said Law. “We’re thousands of miles away in a hostile foreign land and we’re supposed to fight eachother? For what?”
He had a point. There was plenty of native land to go around.
“Let’s just enjoy the food and fire. Celebrate every little victory my friend.”
“Cheers to that” 🍻
The next day, the exploration parties parted ways. Each to their calculated attitude to measure their sunsets.

By Day 100, Kevin had reached his precalculated destination. He stood on the mountain with his measuring instrument perfectly aligned with the horizon and waited for the sunset.
“Look at all this good land. One day there will be great cities here”
His Squire responded, “It looks like there were already big cities here in the past. They probably had some traditions we could learn from, like herbal medicine.”
Kevin cooly corrected him. “Traditional medicine? That’s flat world thinking! We’re in the Age of Science now. We don’t use plants for medicine anymore.”
“Then what do you use plants for?”
“Depends on the plant. Hemp? For rope fiber. Tulips? For risky speculative derivatives”
“Makes sense” concluded the Squire.
Kevin noticed the moon was a peculiar blue color this evening and felt lucky. Day 100 would be the day.
Proudly, he pointed to the sunset, which was now turning fiery red and announced to his exploration party.
“Gentlemen, this is what we came for! I will measure the sunset, and if the angle is exactly 18’degrees in 3 minutes, we will have proved that Earth is round, and our Kings city is at the center of the world! (0,0) on the map!”
Cheering echoed from the crowd as Kevin measured. The sunset was exactly how he expected it to be.
“You know, sometimes even I’m surprised by how smart I am” he thought. “Handsome too”
He Triple checked just to make sure.
And he was right, the Earth was indeed round. They had successfully proved it.