A Roman, Gaul and Egyptian walk into a bar.
The Gaul complains, “It took me 20 years of legionnaire service to get citizenship, and after escaping death, I still need to pay 20% to the State?”
The Egyptian replies, “You barbarians are so short sighted. Don’t you know that taxes pay for protection? Without it, you’re certain to die from invaders!”
The Gaul responds. “I’ll fight for my freedom!”
“You and what army?” retorts the Egyptian.
Offended, the Gaul bites back. “The Republic of course! All who love freedom will fight to earn it!”
“And who will pay for their equipment?”
“We all will”, said the Gaul. “For we all love freedom”
“And you’ll force them to fight? Why not just pay?”
“Pay who?”
“The invaders, the defenders, anyone who can do something something about it.”
For a moment there was silence. Followed by an excited burp from the Roman, who was already on his 4th ale.
“I know how we can beat the invaders AND keep everyone free!”
Intrigued, the Gaul asked, “how?”
The Roman smiled his thousand year smile, before decidingly proclaiming.
“We’ll raise taxes… on Egypt!” 🤣🤣🤣